Tried to open dome and could not connect to shutter.
tried driving to the dome and doing it manually. Would not respond to button push.
tried power cycling. Still unresponsiv.
internal led pattern, 1st red second green.
tried rolling back firmware because I had recently updated. Would not connect to usb and would not show up in Arduino.
pattern led when connected to usb cable, starts 1st red, second green, third blinky green. After a few seconds, goes 1st red, 2nd off, 3rd blinks green. No change on PC still can’t discover com port.
Anybody got idea? Can’t open my shutter at all.
Hold up I might have found something. Randomly moved off charger magnets then back on again. Now the black and decker unit says charging and the dome controller shows a battery level of 10.83. It could have just been a really low battery? But when I got in the dome that’s the first thing I checked and it said battery full. Also when I shut down last time it said charging at 13.5V. So maybe the charger hasn’t been keeping up?
i leave the shutter on so when I connect up the dome remotely it will open. but maybe it got knocked off alignment with the charger and it drained?!
After sitting here typing this the battery reads 11.09 in the PC window. So I guess it’s charging...
will report if it recovers.