I’ve been using the older Nexdome driver and when I issued a goto using Maxim DL , it would slew the dome at the same time as the mount, simultaneously . And if I issued the goto to CPWI program (direct control of CGX mount), immediately after moving the mount finished it would move the dome.
My mini Pc bit the dust so I had to replace it and rebuild all the drivers. So I installed the latest package from github. Now if I issue the goto from maxim or from cpwi, it slews the mount and the dome appears to do nothing for a couple minutes it gives. New ‘target azimuth’ but the ‘dome azimuth’ stays the same. It counts down ‘next move in’ 5 4 3 2 1 the does nothing and counts down from 5 repeatedly. After a couple minutes though it moves.
I actually only found out it would eventually move because I was sitting there trying to figure something else out and suddey the dome took off and slaved to the right point. Before that I had been just unclickng ‘slave’ and moving to azimuth manually.
To get it to respond to a manual move I had to hit ‘abort’ then I could manually input an azimuth and hit goto on the dome window.
So not being able to issue a manual command unless I hit abort first is what made me think the driver is hanging up on a typo or maybe too long of a counter in the code or waiting for an input.
Is is there maybe a bug in the ASCOM Driver or the rotator firmware that it will not move simultaneously?
Another possibility , I see in the Nexdome setup window that the dome voltage reports between 12V and 6.5V at times. Is this normal? Maybe this is causing the strange behavior?
Jasem has taken control of the indi driver and rewrote it for me. Logged in and hot swapped it on my machine. He awaits the new firmware for his final rewrite. = )