So Thanks to Rudolphe who pointed me in this direction...
the Arduino Leonardo dome controller has an input for the rain sensor right?
And if driver low, it will close the shutter for safety?
so with the AAG CloudWatcher I just purchased I see that it has a terminal block lead. It is meant to provide an input to the controller for directing it to close.
so is the signal from the CloudWatcher the same as rain sensor/ driven Low if cloudy or “unsafe”? I presume you set the unsafe condition in the program on the PC, which sets when the CloudWatcher will trigger the unsafe signal?
Looks like those conditions are set by the user.
so if it sends a valid close signal like the rain sensor, the dome will send a shutter close command?
And back on the PC the shutter state will report as ‘closed’ in the driver (ascom or x2)?
Sorry to be so thick. I just want to get this right for something so important that protects my gear.
Regarding the AAG rain sensor. It is critical to make sure the edges around the rain sensor are well-sealed. IF not after long soaker days water can get under it and it will not ever say things are dry again until you bring it inside and dry well. Eventually the water underneath will destroy the sensor. I used a thin bead of DAP rapidfuse (light blue cap) and let it age a few hours to seal.