So I finally got my rotator and shutter kit upgraded and installed with Beaver and working correctly. I opened the shutter to acclimate the interior temperature then as it got dark I realized that there is so much smoke in the air that seeing sucks, so I went to close the shutter and saw that an ERROR occurred, and the shutter wouldn't close. I rebooted the ASCOM and even the PC and still nothing happened. I remembered seeing this error before, when I was testing the installation, and it required a power cycle of the shutter power switch. Only this time nothing happened, and I noticed the power light on the switch wasn't glowing. I hooked up a battery charger, the old style Black and Decker originally supplied, and the indicator lights are not showing charging. I tried a second charger with the same result.
Anyone have any tips on how to close the shutter with the motor in the open position? Pushing on it doesn't work.
When I opened the shutter a couple of hours ago, the Beaver HUB showed 13.5 volts in the battery and the charger said it was full.
jumper cables were too cumbersome so I made a a set with 14ga stranded wire with 2” alligator clips to reset the BMS. I have a spare 12v 10amp li-ion battery in the dome. Works like a charm. Steven