Is it OK to leave the shutter switched on for weeks on end? I'm hoping the charger will handle the (presumably) small load for driver circuit in addition to topping up the battery.
I got those straps too, though I cut them and put a new crimp on the ends so there's no risk of crossing the straps, say when the dome rotates abruptly while the shutter is down - I've had this happen , particularly when the voltage goes low. So I did both new battery w/ outdoor gear @ 18ah but also the strap mods . I do think that there is enough strain on the top terminals given their angle they will fatigue - more support here is still something to work out... heat shrink , maybe strong adhesive tape or a stronger right angle connector so the strap terminals always pull straight rather than against the neck of the terminal, they're just not that thick of metal to be concern free at the forces involved.
Between the 2 mods - the terminal mods to get the shutter to connect more solidly to the charger terminals is probably the most valuable - but I also know the dakota bms can be fickle, both from my own experiences and some crawling of forums of others using it with the dakota charger - so if anyone else either wants to be extra sure or has problems after the fact, I'd change out the battery - outdoor gear is purported to have a more solid bms ontop of larger capacity/more endurance. Its pretty annoying taking this contraption apart and it's pretty easy with a flex scraper to get the dakota battery changed out for another $80-150 with an alternate battery if you're already taking it off for the strap mod.
To do the cutting the strap you'll want some big wire cutters and a hydraulic clamp - I got one from amazon for 50 bucks - cool tool, made crimping these very large terminals pretty easy.
I'm currently working on putting an additional monitor for voltage/amp draw from the charger to help diagnose terminal connection issues that require jogging the dome... this was more useful in the past but I have the hardware already and it's likely to help in the future rather than trying to make sense out of it via webcam inspection of terminals w/ lag and jogging left and right. There's converts out there for SAE connections common in these chargers to other terminals to fit some monitors in the loop.
I got those straps too, though I cut them and put a new crimp on the ends so there's no risk of crossing the straps, say when the dome rotates abruptly while the shutter is down - I've had this happen , particularly when the voltage goes low. So I did both new battery w/ outdoor gear @ 18ah but also the strap mods . I do think that there is enough strain on the top terminals given their angle they will fatigue - more support here is still something to work out... heat shrink , maybe strong adhesive tape or a stronger right angle connector so the strap terminals always pull straight rather than against the neck of the terminal, they're just not that thick of metal to be concern free at the forces involved.
Between the 2 mods - the terminal mods to get the shutter to connect more solidly to the charger terminals is probably the most valuable - but I also know the dakota bms can be fickle, both from my own experiences and some crawling of forums of others using it with the dakota charger - so if anyone else either wants to be extra sure or has problems after the fact, I'd change out the battery - outdoor gear is purported to have a more solid bms ontop of larger capacity/more endurance. Its pretty annoying taking this contraption apart and it's pretty easy with a flex scraper to get the dakota battery changed out for another $80-150 with an alternate battery if you're already taking it off for the strap mod.
To do the cutting the strap you'll want some big wire cutters and a hydraulic clamp - I got one from amazon for 50 bucks - cool tool, made crimping these very large terminals pretty easy.
I'm currently working on putting an additional monitor for voltage/amp draw from the charger to help diagnose terminal connection issues that require jogging the dome... this was more useful in the past but I have the hardware already and it's likely to help in the future rather than trying to make sense out of it via webcam inspection of terminals w/ lag and jogging left and right. There's converts out there for SAE connections common in these chargers to other terminals to fit some monitors in the loop.