I just upgraded my dome to the new dome rotation system and shutter motor. Everything is in installed and
working mechanically - meaning I can manually operate the motors, and shutter motor successfully opens and closes the shutter.
I have Beaver software and device drivers installed.
Accessing the shutter motor through the ASCOM Device Hub, it appears to think the shutter is open, even when it is closed, and the close limit switch is pushed in.
When I tried to calibrate the shutter, it opened fully, but didn't stop at the open limit switch. It just pushed past the switch and tried to keep going, making a dreadful sound when it hit the physical limit.
I manually moved the shutter to a partially closed position, and then clicked on 'Close Shutter' in the ASCOM Device Hub.
The shutter closed, and successfully stopped at the close switch.
However, the software still showed the shutter as 'open', and gave an error message that said the shutter had timed out during the close command.
While the shutter was closed, after some time it started up again by itself, and pushing down on the close switch, as if it thought it was still open.
Not sure if there is a problem with the switches, or with the firmware, or if there is some configuration step I am missing. I tried the Factory Reset option in the Beaver configuration, but that didn't seem to help.
I sent an email to Babak and am waiting for some guidance on how to proceed.
If anyone has any suggestions, that would be great.
Here is a summary of the behavior that I am currently seeing:
1) When 'close limit' switch is pushed, software correctly reports that shutter is closed. In this state, when instructed to open, shutter begins opening as expected.
2) When 'open limit' switch is pushed, software correctly reports that shutter is open. In this state, when instructed to close, shutter begins closing as expected.
3) When I stop the shutter in a partially closed state, and neither switch is pushed, software shows error status for shutter, which is to be expected.
4) When shutter is closing, pressing the 'open limit' switch will stop the motor. Motor does not stop when 'close limit' switch is pushed. This is obviously not what we want.
5) When shutter is opening, pressing the 'close limit' switch will stop the motor. Motor does not stop when 'open limit' switch is pushed. Again - not what we want.
Here's an update, in case anyone is interested.
At Babak's suggestion, I swapped the sensor (limit switch) wires, and actually it did look like they were connected incorrectly, according to the labels on the board.
The result is a little better than before. When I close the shutter, the software now recognizes that the shutter is closed. I can then instruct the shutter to open, and it does.
However, the limit switches are not doing what they are supposed to. The motor is not stopping when it hits either the close or open limit switch.
I know that the switches are connected, because when the shutter is closing, I can manually push the 'close limit' switch, and the motor slows down, and make a different sound - with a lower tone. When I release the switch, it speeds up again, and the higher tone resumes.
Likewise, when the shutter is opening, I can manually push on the 'open limit' switch, and I get the same effect - motor slows, with a lower pitch sound.
But unfortunately, the switches are just not stopping the motor as they should.