I am working up a building with dual nexdomes on it. The setup has 2 of the arduino versions of rotators/tracks. (Older Style) and the one dome has a arduino shutter system already. I converted it to a dual track/motor system and works good.
I am looking to build/acquire the other shutter and I'm wondering if the arduino xbee system is going to work with 2 shutters in proximity to each other? I wasn't sure if anyone has input, but are these shutters paired in anyway, or is it just a signal in proximity that it detects and runs?
This may cause a hiccup in the plan.
I've asked several questions via email, but I never get any response from NexDome on these questions, not sure if anyone monitors these forums either, but give it a go. Or a phone number would be great.
I'm having issues with the Xbee3 Pro communication to my shutter. It loops the following from the rotator in Putty about every minute:
It never gives the XB>-Online message, so I believe this is all a rotator message. I can't really see how the rotator can change the shutter frequency or channel ID without a connection first. Supposedly this has been set before by Nexdome before shipping or set possibly at the firmware installation of both.
It appears that the frequency and channel ID can to be set using a Windows, Mac or Linux using the XCTU utility that can be downloaded here at https://www.digi.com/products/embedded-systems/digi-xbee/digi-xbee-tools/xctu.
To use XCTU an Xbee Adapter is needed such as the following at https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07V7GB5XZ
I'm going to check the settings using these to see if there are the same before I explore any Xbee replacements.
In the mean time if anyone has any updates on the issue, it would be greatly appreciated.