Why the jump from 0.5.x.x to I was just reminded that the original firmware is in the 1.x.x.x range and using a version number in that range will probably be confusing for new adopters. The downloads page will make it clear that my software is not compatible with the original firmware but the version number should make "skimmers" look twice and hopefully not get hit with a gotcha.
There is a new native driver being worked on for TheSkyX which will support my firmware so it'll be a version 2 as well. That way if someone wants to stick with the original firmware they can still use matching version 1s. While those using my firmware use matching V2s. Someone else is developing that driver so I can't give a timeline or really any details about it.
So I did more digging and change the ATString for both the rotation controller and the shutter controller.
I gave them each their own address, forced some parameters and removed the RO0 command... and low and behold I see all the commands sent by the rotation controller hello :
<<< Command:H Value:
Rotator says hello!
Sending hello
Sent hello back
Asking for rain status
<<< Command:M Value:
>>> Sending M4
<<< Command:M Value:
>>> Sending M4
<<< Command:M Value:
>>> Sending M4
<<< Command:V Value:
>>> Sending V2.0.0.0
<<< Command:Y Value:
>>> Sending Y0
<<< Command:T Value:
Get Steps 885000
>>> Sending T885000
<<< Command:R Value:
>>> Sending R5000
<<< Command:E Value:
Acceleration is 7000
>>> Sending E7000
<<< Command:P Value:
>>> Sending P0
<<< Command:K Value:
>>> Sending K637,1220
<<< Command:B Value:
Close on low voltage 0
>>> Sending B0
<<< Command:F Value:0
It's not raining
Asking for rain status
<<< Command:F Value:0
It's in my pull request but here they are :
Rotation :
So we force the PAN Id and the channel, as well as the rotation controller id to 0 (MY0) and the destination to the broadcast address. We also set the rotation controller as the coordinator
Shutter :
Same thing but with a CE0 to set tit as an end device, MY1 to set the address to 1.
I need to run more test as this was done with 2 extra Arduino on my desk to see if that also works fine on the one on my test rig.