I'm now getting seriously started with automating my dome. I have some basic questions about how it's really done.
My dome and mount are now talking to each other and working pretty well, still have a few small tweaks on my geometry but getting closer every adjustment.
I'm currently using:
A Windows 10 Home version 64bit ACER notebook which support both USB2 & 3.
I have a powered USB3 hub which works for everything except my Celestron CGEM DX Mount, it only works when connected directly to the PC
I'm using TeamViewer free access on the PC & my Mac with ASCOM 6.5SP1 Beaver version for the dome and scope. Unfortunately, I keep getting a dialogue box on TeamViewer saying I'm using the free version which freezes the PC required an OK and if I miss it I have to manually restart the PC or manually click OK in the dome.
I'm currently figuring out SGP but have a desire to start using the TheSkyX but not ready to spend the $$$.
I'm using the rotator kit with a rain sensor and know I need to get a cloud sensor too.
I will also be getting an auto focuser specific for my Feather Touch® Micro Focuser for Celestron C11 Edge HD.
I know everyone has their special/preferred choices for software and equipment. I'm good on OAG, camera, scope, mount, power supply which are all compatible with ASCOM. Assume, for the time being, I'm going forward with ASCOM as my integrating hub.
What remote control software should I use that is either free or cheap?
When planning a session, what other equipment do I need?
Will I need two versions of software for both my PC, in the Dome, and my Mac at my desktop?
If you can think of any other questions I need to ask, please add your thoughts.
Hi Steven
Before I got a MyT, I used a CGEM-DX with Sequence Generator also. I also found it only worked when directly connected to PC. My ZWO 1600 camera would not transfer at USB 3.1 speed thru a hub, it had to be directly on PC port. The SkyX is nice but unless you have a Paramount, you do not need it. SGP will handle everything, camera, filter, focusing, mount, rotator, meridian flips, and dome. The only issue would be the CGEM's calibration. If the mount is powered off without being sent to "Home" it will not know where it is after a power cycle. I ended up leaving the mount on 24x7. After the learning curve SGP does everything. The ASCOM interface allows everything to be controlled using a single piece of software. My only problems were "pilot error".
Unless your running another setup, your remote PC will do all the control and operating at the dome and your desktop will control the remote PC.
For remote operation over internet, I used TeamViewer for a bit but I think there was a file transfer limit with the free version. Windows Remote Desktop works well but it needs a Pro version on both ends. I have a slow upload speed at my dome and I don't think Windows RD likes the slow connection. UltraVNC for file transfer and/or Google remote desktop for operating the remote windows PC is my choice.
I like your rain sensor, you should be able to automate starting and dome closing if rain. I've been using an allsky camera at the dome to check for clouds and monitor the weather before starting observations. So far, the setup has been (knock on wood) running relativity well for the past 7 months 24x7.
Good luck with your setup