How much wind can the dome withstand when unsecured in use? It's pretty windy where we live and if I could only use the dome in calm weather, it would get little use. With gusts to 40 mph, it gets pretty rock-and-roll in the dome.
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My dome, purchased in 2021, is not safe against the wind. I do not trust it with wind speeds above 30 mph. In those cases I have added internal straps to hold the dome down from the inside. This means a full-remote system is not possible. I have to go out to the dome to remove the straps before starting an observing session. This protocol saved me a couple of months ago. There were sustained winds at around 55 mph, gusts to 65. The dome was unseated during the wind event but the straps prevented a catastrophic loss. In this storm, the door blew open and sustained some damage. Now I have one extra strap on the outside that ties the door to the deck via the latch.